Thank you if you filled out the very important form or called to report the people living in your household!

US Census

The 2020 Census asks a few simple questions about you and everyone who was living with you on April 1, 2020. The 2020 Census is happening now.

US Censo

¡El Censo del 2020 sigue en marcha! Usted puede completar su formulario por internet, por teléfono o por correo. Por primera vez, usted puede elegir cómo completar el censo, ya sea por internet, por teléfono o por correo.

Everyone Counts

The Census Bureau has specific operations and processes in place to count everyone, including those in group living situations such as college dorms, nursing homes, military barracks, and prisons.

Impact in Your Community

School lunches. Plans for highways. Support for firefighters and families in need. Census results affect your community every day. The results of the 2020 Census will help determine how hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funding flow into communities every year for the next decade. That funding shapes many different aspects of every community, no matter the size, no matter the location.

Census results help determine how money is allocated for the Head Start program and for grants that support teachers and special education. The list goes on, including programs to support rural areas, to restore wildlife, to prevent child abuse, to prepare for wildfires, and to provide housing assistance for older adults.

Language Support

You can complete the census online or by phone in 13 different languages: English, Spanish, ChineseVietnameseKoreanRussianArabicTagalogPolishFrenchHaitian CreolePortuguese, and Japanese.

DCCDC to Provide Child Care

News from the Door County Pulse —

Door Community Child Development Center to Begin Providing Child Care Services

DCCDC child care services will begin September 7! Services will be located in Sturgeon Bay’s former Barker Child Development Center. Enrollment will begin August 10.

The quick reopening is due to hard work by the Barker Center’s former director, the Door County Medical Center (DCMC) and the Sturgeon Bay YMCA.

Tuition rates will be competitive with other child care centers in Door, Brown and Kewaunee counties. Along with state subsidies, a scholarship fund is being established, , to help families cover tuition costs,.The DCCDC will be following the Creative Curriculum, which includes Wisconsin model early-learning standards. Plus, it will be working with Youngstar to be formally rated within the first year of opening.


The center will be open weekdays 6 AM – 5:30 PM and will provide child care to children ages six weeks to five years.


Parents can add their name to the waiting list at app.waitlistplus.com/DoorCommunityChildDe/Portal/Signup

2020 Magical Trolley Ride Cancelled

2020 Magical Trolley Ride Cancelled

Lakeshore CAP’s

Magical Trolley Ride to the North Pole Has Been Cancelled for 2020

Hello Everyone! We wanted to give an update regarding our 2020 Magical Trolley Ride to the North Pole event. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we are not able to safely hold the event this year. We will miss everyone — but the safety of our communities, especially our children, is paramount to us. We hope to see everyone in December 2021.

Your Support Means Everything!

We appreciate your support of this event and of Lakeshore CAP and our generous sponsors. We know so many look forward to this magical event every year. We’ll see you in 2021!


March 2020 Protective Factors Training

March 2020 Protective Factors Training

Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work

Looking at Families Through a Different Lens

Understand the 5 Protective Factors. Incorporate the 5 Protective Factors into your everyday actions with families and help families understand and build these Protective Factors for themselves!
        • Social and Emotional Competence of Children

        • Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development

        • Social Connections

        • Parental Resilience

        • Concrete Support in Times of Need

Dates:  Saturday, March 14th and Saturday, March 21, 2020

Location:  Lakeshore Technical College, 1290 North Ave, Cleveland, WI

Time:  8:00 AM – 2:30 PM (Room TBD)

Cost:  $10.00 — Lunch is provided

10 hours of Registry credit or 1.2 CEUs

The cost is $10 for 2 days of training with lunch included. Please register ASAP.  If you are a volunteer or not being paid by your employer to attend, your cost is free.

TO REGISTER: www.familyconnectionscc.org

Or call: (920) 457-1999