United Way Manitowoc 211 Tools!

United Way Manitowoc 211 Tools!

United Way Manitowoc County 211 Tools

United Way Manitowoc County is excited to announce the launch of new online 211 tools to help Wisconsinites get connected to mental health and substance use services and information. You may always call 211 for help!

Click on these new online tools:

If you have questions:

If you have any questions about the new online 211 tools — or 211 in general — please contact United Way Manitowoc County at (920) 682-8888 or info@unitedwaymanitowoccounty.org.

United Way Manitowoc County

Office: (920) 682-8888 | Cell: (920) 901-9577

21 East Waldo Blvd. | Manitowoc, WI 54220

The Bridge – Sheboygan Recovery Center

The Bridge – Sheboygan Recovery Center

New and Exciting at “The Bridge” WIRCO Recovery Community Center

We are pleased to announce the naming of our new Recovery Community Center, now known as The Bridge! There has been much growth since we opened and we continue to expand our programs. Starting in August, we will offer a Mindfulness Meditation group on Tuesdays from 10-11am. On Wednesdays, we will offer Alateen from 3-4pm. The Mindfulness Meditation program is for anyone interested in learning more about mindfulness and how to use meditation in this time of chaos to ground yourself and bring awareness to the present moment. Our Alateen group is designed to help young people affected by another person’s use of alcohol or drugs and will be a great resource for adolescents. We are also working on our first major fundraiser for The Bridge called 24 Hours of Recovery. It features live speakers every hour for 24 hours for September – National Recovery Month.  Watch for more news on this fun and exciting event soon!

Meetings Continue

We continue to host meetings at The Bridge (masks are required, and we can supply them if needed) and will continue to support the recovery community. Please check out our website “wirco.org” or our Facebook page “WIRCO Sheboygan” https://www.facebook.com/wircos/ for our calendar and more!

Thank you for your continued support to our mission: WIRCO seeks to establish and sustain a Recovery Community Organization and Center that embraces all pathways to recovery and support all individuals impacted by the disease of addiction through education and coaching, programming, referrals, and advocacy.

The Bridge – Get Connected, Stay Connected!
734 Erie Avenue (behind Usadel’s)
Sheboygan, WI

For more information about WIRCO, or if you are in need of services, please contact us at 920-234-5016 or online at wirco.org.