Home Buyer

Take a deep breath and begin!

Are you considering a home purchase but don’t know how to come up with a down payment? Contact us for a Home Buyer Starter Kit! The Lakeshore CAP Home Buyer and Financial Assistance Program is designed to help income-eligible households with the purchase of homes. The property must be a single family, owner-occupied home located in Door, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Sheboygan or Calumet County. A certified housing professional will review income and debts to determine home buyer readiness and provide the necessary information and resources to pursue the goal of home ownership.

The three components to the program are:

  • Financial Planning
  • Education
  • Counseling

Upon completion of home buyer education, direct loans with a low or no interest rate from private, state and federal resources may be available to assist with:

  • Down Payment
  • Closing Costs



The video below highlights the local home buyer assistance programs available to the workforce of Door County, including down payment and rehabilitation loans and grants. Produced by Door County Economic Development Corporation, Door County Board of Realtors, Lakeshore Community Action Program and Peninsula Filmworks, with grant support from the National Association of Realtors.

Call for information
on eligibility requirements:

Lakeshore CAP/Manitowoc
(920) 682-3737