United Way Equity Challenge!
United Way Manitowoc County
21 Week Equity Challenge
In partnership with their state association, United Way Manitowoc County invites you to participate in their 21 Week Equity Challenge – an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of how inequity and racism affect our lives and communities.
Where do I Start?
You can sign up for the challenge by visiting www.unitedwaywi.org/equity. Beginning February 1, participants will receive a weekly email intended to help explore, develop deeper interpersonal understandings, build a stronger awareness of current systems, and learn about opportunities to take action. The 21 Week Equity Challenge is an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of how inequity and racism affect our lives and communities.
- Participants will receive an email at the beginning of each week starting Monday, February 1st through Monday, June 21st.
- Weekly topics take participants through a journey that starts with understanding internalized racism and explores how racism permeates person-to-person interactions, institutions and social structures.
- The experience is intended to deepen understanding, suggest ways to take action, and help launch what we hope will be a lifelong commitment to improving equity and inclusion in our communities.
Individuals are encouraged to take on the challenge themselves, or form groups for discussion and reflection.
See more information by following the link to the Equity Challenge website and Sign-Up.
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