Respite Program

​Do you want to make a difference? Become a Respite Provider for Foster Parents!

Respite is services or emergency care provided to a foster child during a planned absence of the foster parent for more than 48 hours. (Licensed foster parents are automatically certified and will not need to complete the certification process). Other parents can call babysitters or drop their kids off with relatives, but this isn’t always an option for foster parents, particularly those who are fostering children that can have challenging behaviors.

Respite needs to be scheduled with the approval of the agency and done by a provider who has been “certified.” YOU can do it— just share a love of children and a willingness to help others!

Respite providers are certified and reimbursed by Lakeshore CAP. Among other requirements, you must be at least 18 years of age, physically able to provide the necessary care, flexible, confidential, and must pass a background check. No education required. (Licensed foster parents are automatically certified and will not need to complete the certification process.)

Some requirements include (but are not limited to):

  • Maintain Confidentiality
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be physically able to provide the care needed
  • Residence meets state’s safety requirements
  • Pass criminal background checks
  • Possess a valid driver’s license
  • Home/Renter’s & vehicle insurance
  • Pets Vaccinated (some animals are prohibited)


How to apply:

  • Contact the Respite Program Coordinator at the number or email below and request an application.
  • Return the application to Lakeshore CAP by scheduling a time to drop it off or have it picked up.
  • A valid photo ID/Driver’s License will be verified for all adults, who must be present at that time.


Call for information
on eligibility requirements:

Lakeshore CAP/Manitowoc

(920) 682-3737






Being a seasoned foster home and now a respite home, I know the value of having respite workers. As a mom of 7, I know there were times I and my family needed to just regroup and have “us” times so respite was very valuable. We all need a break and it’s perfectly alright for the children as well as you to take that break. I, as a “seasoned” provider, recommend everyone to utilize respite and take a moment to rejuvenate that special energy needed to continue being a phenomenal foster home.


A Seasoned Foster Parent and Respite Provider