Apr 19, 2021 | Lakeshore CAP News
For persons in Door, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Sheboygan and Calumet counties
Dreaming of owning a home?
Have you talked with a lender?
Are you looking for a DOWN PAYMENT?
If you are willing to participate in our program, we have assistance for income eligible households!
Prepare now for your home purchase by reading through the steps you will need to take on our Home Buyer Program page:

Apr 15, 2021 | Lakeshore CAP News
We are happy to announce that we received a grant to hire a Housing Navigator. Welcome Lava Phillips-De Spain. She can help fill your units! This position allows Lakeshore Community Action Program to more quickly locate affordable, decent housing for those in need and to ensure that homelessness is rare, brief and a one-time event. If you are a landlord or know of open units in our service area, please contact:
Lava at 920.686.8776 or lavap@lakeshorecap.org
Lakeshore CAP has funding available to prevent homelessness or to house those who recently experienced homelessness. Eligible housing must be in our service area — the counties of Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Door and Kewaunee.
Call or email us today to add your name, property management company or apartment complex to our Landlord Listing. We provide this list to all households seeking safe rental housing.
Apr 8, 2021 | Lakeshore CAP News
Manitowoc Housing Survey of Employers
The City of Manitowoc is taking a look at the local housing market, how it impacts your employees, and potential for business growth.
To help us better understand employee and business needs, please complete the survey here: Manitowoc Housing — Survey of Employers The deadline to complete this survey is April 21st.
Progress Lakeshore, Inc., 202 N 8th Street, Ste 101, Manitowoc, WI 54220, USA, 920-482-0540
Apr 7, 2021 | Area Events, Lakeshore CAP News
KaZoua KUe, UWGB Social Work intern at CESA 7 Head Start, has been working on a Virtual Community Resource Fair and it has come together! The fair will begin next week, April 5th and run a few different times each day through April 9th.
The event is posted on Facebook at the link below. There is also a video that Kaz made. We encourage you to check it out. There are many great organizations and resources who will be coming to share.
Facebook Post with detailed times:
Zoom Link to join the meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
Join on ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 897 2285 8622
Passcode: KD4T3ODHmM
Apr 5 at 9 AM CDT – Apr 9 at 12 PM CDT
Price: FREE · Duration: 4 days
Public · Anyone on or off Facebook
- Lighthouse: Mon. April 5 @ 9:00 AM
- Salvation Army: Mon. April 5 @ 10:00 AM
- Manty Public Library: Mon. April 5 @ 11:00 AM
- Healthiest Manitowoc – Substance Abuse Prevention: Mon. April 5 @ 12:00 PM
- ADRC: Tues. April 6 @ 1:00 PM
- Lakeshore CAP: Wed. April 7 @ 10:00 AM
- Lakeshore Com. Health Care: Wed. April 7 @ 11:30 AM
- The Crossing: Wed. April 7 @12:00 PM
- Horizon (light house): Thurs. April 8 1:00 PM
- Human Services: Thurs. April 8 @ 2:45 PM
- Ascend: Friday April 9 @ 9:30 AM
Manitowoc Community! Do you know of a family or child who may benefit from the Head Start program? Head Start serves families throughout all of Manitowoc County. Check out the information below to learn more about the services we offer.
CESA 7 Head Start is now able to accept applications online. Just click on the link below to complete the online enrollment application:
Just a reminder : Families who are experiencing homelessness, or children in foster or kinship care, are automatically eligible for Head Start and given enrollment priority.
Lakeshore CAP also offers services to households experiencing homelessness or rental hardships, plus programs for prenatal families or families with young children: https://lakeshorecap.org/
Apr 7, 2021 | Lakeshore CAP Events, Lakeshore CAP News
Your Home Via Zoom / 6:30 PM
Tuesday, April 13 — Reflection of our Growth
Join with Zoom Meeting ID: 825 3624 3688
Passcode: 1ankPL
Parent Cafés give parents a chance to come together to listen, talk, build friendships and support each other around the topic of parenting. All are welcome! Parent Cafes are currently being held via Zoom. Watch our Manitowoc Facebook page for information! https://www.facebook.com/MCParentCafe/
NOTE: Read about Lakeshore Community Action Program’s “Connections Count” here: lakeshorecap.org/connections-count/
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