Home Buyer Assistance

Home Buyer Assistance


For persons in Door, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Sheboygan and Calumet counties 

Dreaming of owning a home?
Have you talked with a lender?
Are you looking for a DOWN PAYMENT?
If you are willing to participate in our program, we have assistance for income eligible households!

Prepare now for your home purchase by reading through the steps you will need to take on our Home Buyer Program page:


Call 1-800-924-0510



Let Us Fill Your Apartments!

Let Us Fill Your Apartments!


We are happy to announce that we received a grant to hire a Housing Navigator. Welcome Lava Phillips-De Spain. She can help fill your units! This position allows Lakeshore Community Action Program to more quickly locate affordable, decent housing for those in need and to ensure that homelessness is rare, brief and a one-time event. If you are a landlord or know of open units in our service area, please contact:

Lava at 920.686.8776 or lavap@lakeshorecap.org

Lakeshore CAP has funding available to prevent homelessness or to house those who recently experienced homelessness. Eligible housing must be in our service area — the counties of Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Door and Kewaunee.

Call or email us today to add your name, property management company or apartment complex to our Landlord Listing. We provide this list to all households seeking safe rental housing.



lcap lakeSee a description of Lakeshore CAP’s rental assistance programs at: https://lakeshorecap.org/supportive-housing/

COVID-19 Resources for Tenants & Landlords

HUD Multifamily Housing News

COVID-19 Resources for Tenants and Property Owners

We are pleased to provide you with resources to help ensure that residents of Multifamily properties are receiving stimulus payments, staying safe, and are aware of pertinent information related to the pandemic. Here is the full News Release: Stimulus, Vaccines and COVID. Please share these resources with your communities.


Sheboygan Co Warming Center OPEN

Sheboygan Co Warming Center OPEN

2021 Sheboygan County Warming Center is Open!

We have worked hard to prepare for the Warming Center to open it’s doors on January 4th. Please take note of the changes this year. The Warming Center will be open January and February, Monday-Thursday, from 7 PM until 7:30 AM. 828 New Jersey Ave (St. Cyril Methodius Catholic Church Hall). Follow us at:

Warming Center 2021 Facebook

Guests arrive between 7:00pm and 7:45pm. After that they may only gain admittance with a police referral. Guests leaving after 7:45pm. may not re-enter. Guest limit of 20 due Covid-19 concerns. More information at: Warming Center Website


We do not have enough volunteers this year to be open 7 days a week. If you can, please VOLUNTEER! The Center also needs supplies that are listed on our Facebook page.

If you are facing homelessness in Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Door or Kewaunee County, click here: Lakeshore CAP’s Supportive Housing Program