March 2020 Protective Factors Training
Bringing the Protective Factors Framework to Life in Your Work
Looking at Families Through a Different Lens
Understand the 5 Protective Factors. Incorporate the 5 Protective Factors into your everyday actions with families and help families understand and build these Protective Factors for themselves!
Social and Emotional Competence of Children
Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development
Social Connections
Parental Resilience
Concrete Support in Times of Need
Dates: Saturday, March 14th and Saturday, March 21, 2020
Location: Lakeshore Technical College, 1290 North Ave, Cleveland, WI
Time: 8:00 AM – 2:30 PM (Room TBD)
Cost: $10.00 — Lunch is provided
10 hours of Registry credit or 1.2 CEUs
The cost is $10 for 2 days of training with lunch included. Please register ASAP. If you are a volunteer or not being paid by your employer to attend, your cost is free.
TO REGISTER: www.familyconnectionscc.org
Or call: (920) 457-1999
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