Power of Hope Manitowoc 2-Day Event
March 12 & 13, 2020
Kids at Hope is an evidence-based program that can be implemented in many areas to help teach kids hope, change the framework from “at risk youth” to “kids at hope” and is designed to actually teach someone how to make kids hopeful. We cannot change what youth must deal with in life and in their past. ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) is a huge component to health. This program believes that even though you can’t control those ACES, you can control the hope in a child’s life. Their message is that all kids are capable of success, no exceptions. Many of our schools in Manitowoc have taken on this framework and have seen positive outcomes.
Please share this with anyone in your area who may be interested. Manitowoc County Human Services has been leading this in our community. Judges are getting on board; middle and high schools are implementing the framework; and many community coalitions who focus on connectedness find this useful! Think boys and girls clubs, big brothers big sisters, youth drop-in centers, schools, daycares, foster cares, health organizations, youth justice organizations, judges, etc. This conference is for anyone who has contact with youth and families!
It is open to 400 individuals and we would love to expand to different counties if possible. For that reason, share broadly! We are flying in some amazing speakers and want as many people as possible to learn the power of hope.
Here are some resources for more information:
- Creator of Kids at Hope, Rick Millers, TedX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIpDKHw1O_c&t=4s
- Kids at Hope’s national website: https://kidsathope.org/
- A clip of Stacy Ledvina from Human Services talking about the conference: https://www.facebook.com/LeeAndDamonWOMT/videos/719711091890061/UzpfSTEwNDQxMzg0MDkwMjc0OToxNjQwNzY0MTQ5MzY0OTE/
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