Jan 19, 2021 | Volunteer Opportunities

Please Note: Times may have changed during the Coronavirus pandemic. Please call for information. Thank you!
Volunteer Opportunity 1
DUTIES: Assist families with their shopping experience at the Lakeshore CAP Food pantry.
WHEN: Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM. If your schedule does not allow you to work the entire shift or you just want to volunteer one day a week, just let us know when you can help us out. We do ask you put your hours on our volunteer calendar.
Volunteer Opportunity 2
DUTIES: Stock shelves, sort donated food, light cleaning,
WHEN: Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7:15 AM and 10:30 AM. Volunteer hours are available most Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
LOCATION: Lakeshore CAP Food Pantry, 131 S 3rd Avenue, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
CONTACT: Please drop in on Tuesdays or Thursdays or call 920-743-0192
ABOUT US: Lakeshore Community Action Program (Lakeshore CAP) promotes individual self-sufficiency. The Food Pantry in Sturgeon Bay is a non-sectarian, not-for-profit organization that provides on-going and emergency food assistance to low and limited income residents of Door County. The pantry is supported by local donations, food drives and the USDA food program (TEFAP). We are a client choice pantry. We respect likes/dislikes and medical circumstances of our clients. NO ONE is turned away the first time they come to the Door County pantry. If they are a non-resident, we will give the client information with their food as to the closest pantry to their home for their next visit. We also provide referral information to other programs that might be of help, both within the Lakeshore CAP agency and other community agencies.

For additional information on our food pantry, please visit: https://lakeshorecap.org/door-county-food-pantry/
For additional information and a list of pantries located within the 9-county area Lakeshore CAP administers for the USDA TEFAP Program, please visit: https://lakeshorecap.org/tefap/
Jan 7, 2021 | Volunteer Opportunities
January 8th, 8:00 – 8:45 AM
Let’s talk CASA! Join us virtually via zoom to learn more about volunteering as a Court Appointed Special Advocate! Our vulnerable youth in Manitowoc County need you to provide a voice!
Meeting ID: 815 3110 0859
Passcode: 732085
CASA recruits, screens and trains everyday citizens from the community to be the voice of abused and neglected children in the courtroom, seeking to ensure them a safe and permanent home.
For fundraisers, events, to learn more about becoming a Special Advocate or to contact CASA of East Central Wisconsin, call Julie Ribley at (920) 242-6727 or go to https://www.facebook.com/ManitowocCASA/
Nov 18, 2020 | Lakeshore CAP Events
A special thank you to all of the Piggly Wiggly staff in Manitowoc and Two Rivers, the community for their “round-up” donations, participants, and donors who made the 2020 Pig Walk a huge success despite the pandemic! This donation helps Lakeshore CAP provide resources and assistance to those experiencing homelessness in our community. Peggy and Alex- this couldn’t be done without your direction, leadership and can-do attitude!
Come out for Fox’s Piggly Wiggly Annual Pig to Pig Walk!
A Fundraiser for Lakeshore CAP’s Supportive Housing/Homelessness Prevention Program
The Pig to Pig Walk is coming up on September 12th! The proceeds support our programs that prevent homelessness by providing rental assistance to those in need. Registration can be done at the service desk at both Manitowoc and Two Rivers locations! We hope to see you there!
- Saturday, September 12, 2020
- 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- Starting at Fox’s Manitowoc Piggly Wiggly and ending at Fox’s Two Rivers Piggly Wiggly
A 6 mile walk along scenic Lake Michigan!
- $15.00 donation per person
- $30.00 per family (2-4 people); each additional person $5.00
Contact Piggly Wiggly at 920-682-4931 or 920-794-8931 for more information and visit either store to register for the event!
Thank You!!! Your participation helps Lakeshore CAP:
- Provide programming and case management to those most in need in our community and helps households realize their goal of becoming self-sufficient
- Provide assistance outside of our strict funding limitations by providing apartment supplies, security deposits and supportive services to our households
Nov 11, 2020 | Lakeshore CAP News, Volunteer Opportunities
The Haven Manitowoc Beauty Brigade, E-Waste Brigade, and Drink Pouch Brigade Recycling Fundraisers
Beauty Brigade Recycling Info – The Haven now collects used personal care packaging to send in for reimbursement. Please help collect and ask others to collect as well.
This is an amazing way to help our community with homelessness prevention AND recycle your waste in the process! Accepted waste includes:
- Hair care packaging such as shampoo bottles and caps, conditioner bottles and caps, hair gel tubes and caps, hair spray bottles and triggers, and hair paste plastic jars and caps.
- Skin care packaging such as lip balm tubes, face soap dispensers and tubes, face lotion bottles, tubes, and plastic jars, body wash containers, soap tubes and dispensers, body lotion dispensers and bottles, shaving foam tubes (no cans), and hand lotion bottles and tubes.
- Cosmetics packaging such as lipstick cases, lip gloss tubes, mascara tubes, eye shadow cases, bronzer cases, foundation packaging and bottles, powder cases, eyeliner cases, eyeliner pencils, eye shadow tubes, concealer tubes, concealer sticks, and lip liner pencils.
Make your own collection box and collect items at any business, school, church, neighborhood or high traffic location. Drop off at The Haven.
Click on the following links for more information regarding the E-Waste Brigade and Drink Pouch Brigade:
Nov 9, 2020 | Lakeshore CAP News, Volunteer Opportunities
It began 11/6/20. Have you reserved your shifts to ring bells at the Red Kettles and help to
#RescueChristmas? There are many open shifts and we cannot do it without YOU! Go to
registertoring.com or call 920-684-7117.
Exciting Safe Options to Donate!
How Are Red Kettle Funds Used?
The Red Kettle Campaign, the oldest annual charitable fundraiser of its kind in the United States, helps raise money for those who need it most in communities nationwide – providing toys for kids, coats for the homeless, food for the hungry and countless social service programs year-round.
Read Captain McFee’s inspiring story here:
https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/red-kettle-history/. His kettle idea launched a tradition that has spread not only throughout the United States, but all across the world. Kettles are now used in such distant lands as Korea, Japan, Chile and many European countries. Everywhere, public contributions to Salvation Army kettles enable the organization to continue its year-round efforts at helping those who would otherwise be forgotten.
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