UW Extension Rent Smart Train-the-Trainers

UW Extension Rent Smart Train-the-Trainers

rent smart“Rent Smart Train-the-Trainers” 

This training is designed to help trainers facilitate the Rent Smart program effectively in their own organizations and communities.

Rent Smart focuses on the knowledge and skills essential for a successful renting experience.  It challenges participants to know and understand their rights and responsibilities as a tenant, as well as know and understand the rights and responsibilities of their landlord. Emphasis is on forming a strong partnership between the tenant and landlord. Establishing a positive rental history is much like having a positive credit report and Rent Smart starts participants on the right path for success.

extensionAn EEO-Affirmative Action Employer, UW-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title VI, Title IX, and ADA requirements.


lcapTo apply for rental assistance, see Lakeshore Community Action Program’s “Supportive Housing/Rental Assistance” page at: https://lakeshorecap.org/supportive-housing/. For rental assistance because of a loss of income due to COVID-19, fill out a Pre-Screen application for WERA funds on our Home page at::https://lakeshorecap.org/