2020-2022 Community Needs Assessment Results!

2020-2022 Community Needs Assessment Results!

2020-2022 Lakeshore CAP

Community Needs Assessment

This assessment covers the counties of Door, Kewaunee, Manitowoc and Sheboygan. The qualities assessed are the conditions affecting the low-income population in the four-county area. The information used in the report is gleaned from surveys of low income participants including the elderly, pregnant adolescents, minority populations, the homeless, and single parent households. The details of the data collection address the requirements of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) statutes and provide an opportunity for both the impoverished and civic leaders to participate. It can be found here and also on our Who We Are web page. Click either link below to read, download or print the statistics, comments and conclusions:

The survey was distributed throughout the months of June and July 2019. Surveys were made available at Lakeshore CAP’s facilities for completion during intake, online and through agencies such as Catholic Charities, WIC program offices, local health departments, food pantries, domestic violence agencies, homeless shelters, mental health support services and other partner locations throughout the four counties. Low income survey respondents totaled 202 and stakeholder respondents totaled 112.

Sheboygan PIT Outreach Breakfast-July 25th

Sheboygan PIT Outreach Breakfast-July 25th

Let’s Make Everyone Count



If you’re struggling to rent a place or afford a place on your own, then come to Mead Public Library Loft on the 3rd floor on July 25th for a free continental breakfast to talk with us about your needs. Staff members from agencies in the community will offer information and resources such as

            • Free haircuts
            • Care packages
            • Housing services


(Also see Lakeshore CAP’s Supportive Housing Program for possible assistance.)