Oct 31, 2023 | Lakeshore CAP News
100+Women Who Care Door County (100+WWC) Celebrates 5 Years: $29,000 awarded at October 2023 Giving Event. $490,000 in giving to 56 Door County nonprofits in 22 Giving Events!
100+ Women Who Care Door County (100+WWC) Giving Circle continued its philanthropic impact. Through all seasons, this group of women demonstrates the Giving Circle’s motto of “Do Good, Feel Good, Gather, Have Fun with 100+WWC!” This Giving Circle comprised of 380 givers (individuals and teams) has awarded over $490,000 to 56 Door County nonprofit organizations.
Three nonprofits discussed their organizations and initiatives. Lakeshore CAP Food Pantry was the recipient of the main award of $14,500. Little Eddie Big Cup/Mental Health Support Fund and Sunshine Resources Door County (SRDC) will also each receive approximately $7,250. A total of $29,000 was awarded in one hour!
Sandi Soik, Director, Lakeshore CAP Food Pantry commented, “It was very inspiring to see the enthusiasm the 100+ Women Who Care have for the nonprofits in Door County. Without financial support like 100+WWC, this food pantry would not exist. Thank you for your concern for our friends and neighbors in need.”
Lisa VanLaanen, 100+WWC member/nominator of Lakeshore CAP Food Pantry, is enthusiastic, “100+WWC makes giving an outstanding habit – especially when you can get together with a wonderful group of old and new friends. It’s a fun, friendly, and easy way to contribute and recognize the good works of so many across our county.”
Rachel Willems, President, Little Eddie Big Cup/Mental Health Support Fund shared, “It’s a point of pride to think that what started as grieving friends planning a golf tournament to remember their classmate, has now grown into the nonprofit Mental Health Support Fund. We grew up in a world that didn’t talk about the mental illness around us, we hope the work of the fund helps change that for future generations.”
Jeremy Paszczak, Director of Development, Sunshine Resources of Door County (SRDC), felt comfortable among the 100+WWC members, “This is very exciting that SRDC and two additional worthy causes receive this support in such a wonderful event. Thank you!”
Unity Hospice, represented by Donna Hanson, Marketing Assistant, was the returning award recipient and updated the group on its services and results from the April 2022 100+WWC gift.
The nonprofits to be considered for the next quarterly award were randomly drawn from member nominations. These nonprofit organizations are: Liberty Grove Historical Society, Money Management Counselors, and HELP of Door County. The 100+WWC members that nominated these nonprofits and nonprofit representatives will present a summary of their nonprofit and answer questions at the next 100+WWC Giving Event on January 22, 2024 via LiveStream or in person at the Kress Pavilion, 7845 Church St, Egg Harbor.
To join this exciting group of local women and help make an even bigger local impact, visit 100wwcDoorCounty.org.

Pictured (left to right): Susie Cotter (100+WWC Board), Lisa VanLaanen (100+WWC member/advocate), Sandi Soik (Director, Lakeshore CAP Food Pantry) with Ann Glessner (100+WWC Board) and Ann Morgan (100+WWC Co-founder/President).

Lakeshore CAP would like to extend a huge Thank-You to 100+ Women Who Care Door County!
Read the original press release here: PR 100+WWC OCT 2023 Giving Circle Awards
May 13, 2021 | Lakeshore CAP News
Lakeshore Community Action Program’s Door County Food Pantry Has a Wish!
If you are able to DONATE food for needy Door County residents, please print our “WISH LIST” and make up a bag full of items to provide assistance to households in our community! You may also donate monetarily (see below). Thank You!
Supporting our Food Pantry
The pantry is supported by local donations, food drives, Feeding America and USDA’s The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). We accept monetary donations to make food purchases at reduced prices and to keep the pantry operating. Anyone wishing to donate funding may do so when the pantry is open or through the DONATE button on this website. Please choose “Door County Food Pantry.”
Please be assured that all donations received remain within the county. Lakeshore Community Action Program (CAP) appreciates the many donors and partners who support this program!
We are open 11 AM – 4 PM every Tuesday and Thursday at 131 S Third Ave in Sturgeon Bay. Due to COVID-19 our pantry is not “client choice” at this time. Bring a picture ID and show it at the pantry door. A volunteer will confirm your family size. Your pantry items will be prepared and brought to the end of the handicap ramp. At that time, please load your pantry into your vehicle and return the cart to the end of the ramp.
Lakeshore CAP’s Door County Food Pantry is a non-sectarian, not-for-profit program that provides on-going and emergency healthy food assistance to low and limited income residents. Your donation may be tax deductible.
Jan 19, 2021 | Volunteer Opportunities

Please Note: Times may have changed during the Coronavirus pandemic. Please call for information. Thank you!
Volunteer Opportunity 1
DUTIES: Assist families with their shopping experience at the Lakeshore CAP Food pantry.
WHEN: Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM. If your schedule does not allow you to work the entire shift or you just want to volunteer one day a week, just let us know when you can help us out. We do ask you put your hours on our volunteer calendar.
Volunteer Opportunity 2
DUTIES: Stock shelves, sort donated food, light cleaning,
WHEN: Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7:15 AM and 10:30 AM. Volunteer hours are available most Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
LOCATION: Lakeshore CAP Food Pantry, 131 S 3rd Avenue, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
CONTACT: Please drop in on Tuesdays or Thursdays or call 920-743-0192
ABOUT US: Lakeshore Community Action Program (Lakeshore CAP) promotes individual self-sufficiency. The Food Pantry in Sturgeon Bay is a non-sectarian, not-for-profit organization that provides on-going and emergency food assistance to low and limited income residents of Door County. The pantry is supported by local donations, food drives and the USDA food program (TEFAP). We are a client choice pantry. We respect likes/dislikes and medical circumstances of our clients. NO ONE is turned away the first time they come to the Door County pantry. If they are a non-resident, we will give the client information with their food as to the closest pantry to their home for their next visit. We also provide referral information to other programs that might be of help, both within the Lakeshore CAP agency and other community agencies.

For additional information on our food pantry, please visit: https://lakeshorecap.org/door-county-food-pantry/
For additional information and a list of pantries located within the 9-county area Lakeshore CAP administers for the USDA TEFAP Program, please visit: https://lakeshorecap.org/tefap/
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