Please Note: Times may have changed during the Coronavirus pandemic. Please call for information. Thank you!
Volunteer Opportunity 1
DUTIES: Assist families with their shopping experience at the Lakeshore CAP Food pantry.
WHEN: Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM. If your schedule does not allow you to work the entire shift or you just want to volunteer one day a week, just let us know when you can help us out. We do ask you put your hours on our volunteer calendar.
Volunteer Opportunity 2
DUTIES: Stock shelves, sort donated food, light cleaning,
WHEN: Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7:15 AM and 10:30 AM. Volunteer hours are available most Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
LOCATION: Lakeshore CAP Food Pantry, 131 S 3rd Avenue, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
CONTACT: Please drop in on Tuesdays or Thursdays or call 920-743-0192
ABOUT US: Lakeshore Community Action Program (Lakeshore CAP) promotes individual self-sufficiency. The Food Pantry in Sturgeon Bay is a non-sectarian, not-for-profit organization that provides on-going and emergency food assistance to low and limited income residents of Door County. The pantry is supported by local donations, food drives and the USDA food program (TEFAP). We are a client choice pantry. We respect likes/dislikes and medical circumstances of our clients. NO ONE is turned away the first time they come to the Door County pantry. If they are a non-resident, we will give the client information with their food as to the closest pantry to their home for their next visit. We also provide referral information to other programs that might be of help, both within the Lakeshore CAP agency and other community agencies.
For additional information on our food pantry, please visit: https://lakeshorecap.org/door-county-food-pantry/
For additional information and a list of pantries located within the 9-county area Lakeshore CAP administers for the USDA TEFAP Program, please visit: https://lakeshorecap.org/tefap/
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