2020 Pig to Pig Walk

2020 Pig to Pig Walk


A special thank you to all of the Piggly Wiggly staff in Manitowoc and Two Rivers, the community for their “round-up” donations, participants, and donors who made the 2020 Pig Walk a huge success despite the pandemic! This donation helps Lakeshore CAP provide resources and assistance to those experiencing homelessness in our community. Peggy and Alex- this couldn’t be done without your direction, leadership and can-do attitude!

Come out for Fox’s Piggly Wiggly Annual Pig to Pig Walk! 

A Fundraiser for Lakeshore CAP’s Supportive Housing/Homelessness Prevention Program

The Pig to Pig Walk is coming up on September 12th! The proceeds support our programs that prevent homelessness by providing rental assistance to those in need. Registration can be done at the service desk at both Manitowoc and Two Rivers locations! We hope to see you there!

  • Saturday, September 12, 2020
  • 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Starting at Fox’s Manitowoc Piggly Wiggly and ending at Fox’s Two Rivers Piggly Wiggly

A 6 mile walk along scenic Lake Michigan!

  • $15.00 donation per person
  • $30.00 per family (2-4 people); each additional person $5.00

Contact Piggly Wiggly at 920-682-4931 or 920-794-8931 for more information and visit either store to register for the event!

Thank You!!! Your participation helps Lakeshore CAP:

  • Provide programming and case management to those most in need in our community and helps households realize their goal of becoming self-sufficient
  • Provide assistance outside of our strict funding limitations by providing apartment supplies, security deposits and supportive services to our households
2020 Salvation Army Christmas Toy Shop

2020 Salvation Army Christmas Toy Shop

salvation army CHRISTMAS TOY SHOP

Coat distribution has ended. However, we currently have 787 children signed up for the Christmas Toy Shop — and sign up is not finished yet! (This does not include the children signed up for the Adopt-a-Family portion of our Christmas programming.) We collect new toys for Christmas by private individuals dropping them off at our office, local companies/groups doing drives/collections/events, and through the Toys for Tots collection boxes that have now been placed around town. Can you help #RescueChristmas by donating new toys or making a monetary donation for the Toy Shop? Thank you in advance for loving on the kids this Christmas!

NOTE: Sign Up for Coats has Ended

  • Where: The Salvation Army — by phone 920-684-7117
  • When: September 14th to October 16th — 9 AM- 3 PM
  • Sign up will be done by phone this year
  • Emails will be needed to finalize the sign-up process

Coat Distribution will begin October 24th
*Must be pre-registered*

It is best to sign up early. First come clients and new clients receive consideration for “adoption”. Note that you may not be adopted two years in a row. New families will need to provide proof of address, proof of household income (must meet poverty guidelines) and proof that your children live with you. If you receive FoodShare, that current document works. Preferably via email or fax.

Clients who have participated in one or both of these programs before will need to initially call and register. They will then receive an email with the wish list attached and asked to fill it out (with detailed info) and return via email. Once we receive the wish list, they will receive a final email with the dates and times for their appointments to pick up coats and toys.


We realize that this could be cumbersome for some families. We also believe with the way so much of life has been happening the last many months that it should be a process most families can follow.


Please have a photo ID, proof of address, proof that your children live with you, and proof of household income (must be below TEFAP/poverty guidelines shown here: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/nutrition/tefap/eligibility.htm)  If you receive Foodshare, please bring that current document.

Donations of NEW Coats Still Needed!


Donations of TOYS Still Needed!



The main office at (920) 684-7117 or email Lisa_Stricklin@usc.salvationarmy.org 

MCM Free Christmas Dinner

MCM Free Christmas Dinner

MCM Free Community Christmas Dinner (Volunteers Needed!)

Manitowoc Cooperative Ministry (MCM) is a unique ministry of Peace United Church of Christ and First Presbyterian Church. We believe that even amid a Pandemic, people still deserve a special Christmas. So our Christmas Community Dinner on December 16, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM is still on. It will be different and this is where we need your help!

This year we will be serving meals-to-go carhop fashion. People will pull into the parking lot, elves will come to take orders, Mr and Mrs Santa will visit the cars with gifts for any kids. Music will be playing and Christmas joy will abound!


  • ELVES — We need elves to take orders and deliver meals to cars. We are looking at three 30 minutes shifts. Each shift needs at least 12 volunteers (you could work more than one shift). Elves will be masked and have temperatures taken before their shift starts. Costumes encouraged!
  • RUNNERS — We 4 people who can run food from the kitchen to our temporary serving kitchen in the Church Library. They can take 30 minutes shifts or work the whole night.
  • GIFT BAGS — We need folks to create gifts bags for the kids. We estimate 100 might be needed in this way. They can have toys, sweets, storybook, ornament, etc… One bag “fits” all is the easiest. If you or your group could make/sponsor these that would be great! We don’t know what the cost would be.
  • CLEAN UP — Clean-up will be different this year as will not have dishes from 230 diners to wash. But we still need a crew that wash, clean, sanitize.
  • SET UP — Set will be done earlier in the day on Wednesday, Dec 16. We will be turning our Church Library into a warming/serving kitchen for the night so we can serve from a place right next to the Parking Lot.
  • DONATIONS — This year we are looking raise $15,000! The cost has gone up as we need to take out containers of various shapes and sizes every week, We have had to buy new equipment and the big thing is we need to replace the old carpeting in the Dining Room (hopefully with tile).
Contact us if you have questions or can help!
(920) 682-4688
Matthew L Sauer