Nov 16, 2020 | Lakeshore CAP News
During the week before Thanksgiving, known as Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week, you might notice signs around your community connected to the hashtags on this post. These signs were distributed by Lakeshore CAP regarding our Supportive Housing Program.
Within the program, a process called Coordinated Entry is used in an effort to refer those seeking housing assistance to the most appropriate services available. The flyer gives a brief explanation regarding Coordinated Entry and which agencies participate. Any agency that displays the No Wrong Door image is an agency that someone seeking a referral to Coordinated Entry system can go to for that referral. In addition, passionate community members are encouraged to contact any of these agencies for volunteer and community support opportunities.
The following agencies on the Lakeshore (Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Door, and Kewaunee Counties) participate: Lakeshore CAP, The Salvation Army of Sheboygan, Incourage, The Haven of Manitowoc County, and Hope House of Manitowoc County.
#Lakeshorecap #NoWrongDoor
Nov 16, 2020 | Lakeshore CAP News
Ninguna Puerta es Incorrectaå
Durante la semana antes del día de Acción de Gracias, es conocida como la semana para despertar conciencia sobre el Hambre y la Indigencia, usted podrá notar algunos posters en la comunidad conectados a estos hashtags en este post. Estos posters fueron distribuidos por Lakeshore CAP en relación con nuestro programa de apoyo a la vivienda.
Dentro del programa, hay un proceso llamado Coordinated Entry en un esfuerzo para referir a quienes buscan asistencia con la vivienda y referirlos a los servicios disponibles que sean más apropiados.
El volante adjunto da una breve explicación en cuanto a Coordinated Entry y cuáles agencias participan. Cualquier agencia que exhiba la imagen de abajo de Ninguna Puerta es Incorrecta, es una agencia a la que alguien puede ir para que se le haga el referimiento a sistema de Coordinated Entry. Además, cualquier miembro de la comunidad que esté interesado, puede contactar a cualquiera de estas agencias para servir como voluntario y para conocer diferentes modos en los que puede proveer apoyo.
Las siguientes agencias participan en el área del Lakeshore (Condados de Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Door and Kewaunee): Lakeshore CAP, El Ejercito de Salvation de Sheboygan, Incourage, The Haven del condado de Manitowoc y Hope House del condado de Manitowoc.
#Lakeshorecapsp #NoWrongDoorsp
Oct 21, 2020 | Area Events, Lakeshore CAP News
The Salvation Army of Sheboygan County
Christmas Assistance
Each year The Salvation Army, thanks to this generous community, provides qualified area families with toys and gifts to ensure a Merry Christmas for all. If you or someone you know is experiencing financial difficulties this Christmas, please read the information below to sign up for Christmas Assistance. Families that meet our financial and residential guidelines with minor children living in the home will be accepted.
To register for Christmas Assistance online you must:
- Live in Sheboygan County, WISCONSIN
- Upload your Letter of Determination from Economic Support. Services from Economic Support include FoodShare, BadgerCare, Family Planning, WI Home Energy Assistance, and WI Shares. If you do not have a copy of this letter, please login to your account at or call 1-888-794-5556 to request a letter.
If you do not receive services from Economic Support, please click HERE to learn how to sign up.
- Upload an image of your current photo I.D. card
If you need further help signing up for Christmas Assistance for your family, please call 920-458-3723.
Jun 17, 2020 | Lakeshore CAP News
Assistance may be available to you for Alliant Energy, Wisconsin Public Service, Sheboygan Falls Utilities, Sheboygan Water Utility, Plymouth Utilities, and WE Energies if you meet eligibility requirements:
- Be a resident of Sheboygan County.
- Have a loss of income due to COVID-19.
- Have contacted the following agencies in your area for assistance.
- Economic Support (920-208-5946)
- St. Vincent De Paul (920-457-4844 ext 101)
- Have contacted the CA Plus Program through Alliant Energy (if the utility bill you are seeking help with is Alliant Energy) to discuss eligibility for financial assistance. (800-975-5785).
- Have made a personal payment of $30.00 or more within the last 60 days.
- Completed a Utility Assistance Application for The Salvation Army submitted to The Salvation Army so that the General Needs Case Worker can contact you if you qualify.
Some utilities may also be covered if you qualify for Lakeshore CAP’s WRAP (Wisconsin Rental Assistance Program). Please apply online in English or Spanish at
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