Nov 16, 2020 | Lakeshore CAP News
During the week before Thanksgiving, known as Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week, you might notice signs around your community connected to the hashtags on this post. These signs were distributed by Lakeshore CAP regarding our Supportive Housing Program.
Within the program, a process called Coordinated Entry is used in an effort to refer those seeking housing assistance to the most appropriate services available. The flyer gives a brief explanation regarding Coordinated Entry and which agencies participate. Any agency that displays the No Wrong Door image is an agency that someone seeking a referral to Coordinated Entry system can go to for that referral. In addition, passionate community members are encouraged to contact any of these agencies for volunteer and community support opportunities.
The following agencies on the Lakeshore (Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Door, and Kewaunee Counties) participate: Lakeshore CAP, The Salvation Army of Sheboygan, Incourage, The Haven of Manitowoc County, and Hope House of Manitowoc County.
#Lakeshorecap #NoWrongDoor
Nov 16, 2020 | Lakeshore CAP News
Ninguna Puerta es Incorrectaå
Durante la semana antes del día de Acción de Gracias, es conocida como la semana para despertar conciencia sobre el Hambre y la Indigencia, usted podrá notar algunos posters en la comunidad conectados a estos hashtags en este post. Estos posters fueron distribuidos por Lakeshore CAP en relación con nuestro programa de apoyo a la vivienda.
Dentro del programa, hay un proceso llamado Coordinated Entry en un esfuerzo para referir a quienes buscan asistencia con la vivienda y referirlos a los servicios disponibles que sean más apropiados.
El volante adjunto da una breve explicación en cuanto a Coordinated Entry y cuáles agencias participan. Cualquier agencia que exhiba la imagen de abajo de Ninguna Puerta es Incorrecta, es una agencia a la que alguien puede ir para que se le haga el referimiento a sistema de Coordinated Entry. Además, cualquier miembro de la comunidad que esté interesado, puede contactar a cualquiera de estas agencias para servir como voluntario y para conocer diferentes modos en los que puede proveer apoyo.
Las siguientes agencias participan en el área del Lakeshore (Condados de Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Door and Kewaunee): Lakeshore CAP, El Ejercito de Salvation de Sheboygan, Incourage, The Haven del condado de Manitowoc y Hope House del condado de Manitowoc.
#Lakeshorecapsp #NoWrongDoorsp
Nov 11, 2020 | Lakeshore CAP News, Volunteer Opportunities
The Haven Manitowoc Beauty Brigade, E-Waste Brigade, and Drink Pouch Brigade Recycling Fundraisers
Beauty Brigade Recycling Info – The Haven now collects used personal care packaging to send in for reimbursement. Please help collect and ask others to collect as well.
This is an amazing way to help our community with homelessness prevention AND recycle your waste in the process! Accepted waste includes:
- Hair care packaging such as shampoo bottles and caps, conditioner bottles and caps, hair gel tubes and caps, hair spray bottles and triggers, and hair paste plastic jars and caps.
- Skin care packaging such as lip balm tubes, face soap dispensers and tubes, face lotion bottles, tubes, and plastic jars, body wash containers, soap tubes and dispensers, body lotion dispensers and bottles, shaving foam tubes (no cans), and hand lotion bottles and tubes.
- Cosmetics packaging such as lipstick cases, lip gloss tubes, mascara tubes, eye shadow cases, bronzer cases, foundation packaging and bottles, powder cases, eyeliner cases, eyeliner pencils, eye shadow tubes, concealer tubes, concealer sticks, and lip liner pencils.
Make your own collection box and collect items at any business, school, church, neighborhood or high traffic location. Drop off at The Haven.
Click on the following links for more information regarding the E-Waste Brigade and Drink Pouch Brigade:
Nov 2, 2020 | Area Events, Volunteer Opportunities
Join us for our first ever Virtual Cardboard City!
November 1st to November 14th
Join us for this year’s Cardboard City event, a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity, The Haven, and Hope House. All 3 agencies are working to help the homeless in our community.
Cardboard City is a homeless experience where individuals, families or groups will spend the night in cardboard boxes, simple tents, or in their own car to experience what many homeless families and individuals go through. A simple meal will be served for dinner and there will be activities, entertainment and presentations throughout the evening.
If you are interested in attending this event please contact Stephanie at!
Missed the deadline to sign up to participate? Fear not! You still can! Participants still have the opportunity to participate and help raise money toward homelessness as Hope House, Habitat for Humanity, and The Haven partner together to help our community.
Prizes will be awarded to the team or individual with the most money raised and the best cardboard shelter.
Even if you can’t participate this year, give us a share so we can keep fighting this fight together and bring awareness. You can share — and sign up — by clicking on this Facebook page:
Apr 1, 2020 | Lakeshore CAP News
A New Training Program Designed to Develop Your Employment Skills!
Manitowoc Works is a 40-hour, 10-module training program that will run for 4 hours a day for two weeks. (You must be able to attend all sessions.) The dates will be determined when we have enough enrollees so — SIGN UP NOW!
- Gain knowledge and skills to help you obtain and maintain employment
- Take the TABE (Test for Adult Basic Education) math and reading sections, if needed
- Receive interview clothing, if needed (and available)
- Graduate and receive a completion certificate
- Have immediate interviews with participating employers!
The 10 Manitowoc Works Modules
See the exciting 10-module curriculum on the front of the Manitowoc Works flyer. Download or print, complete the application form on the back, and return as indicated below and on the flyer.

Return to Lakeshore CAP at 702 State St, Manitowoc or mail to Bree Siewert, Lakeshore CAP, PO Box 2315, Manitowoc, WI 54221-2315
If you need a form or have questions, please call Bree at 920-682-3737 or email
Manitowoc Works is a collaborative effort by Lakeshore CAP, US Bank, Lakeshore Technical College, Forward Services, The Haven, Catholic Charities, and other contributors.
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