Coffee with CASA-Manitowoc
January 8th, 8:00 – 8:45 AM
Let’s talk CASA! Join us virtually via zoom to learn more about volunteering as a Court Appointed Special Advocate! Our vulnerable youth in Manitowoc County need you to provide a voice!
Meeting ID: 815 3110 0859
Passcode: 732085
Passcode: 732085
CASA recruits, screens and trains everyday citizens from the community to be the voice of abused and neglected children in the courtroom, seeking to ensure them a safe and permanent home.
For fundraisers, events, to learn more about becoming a Special Advocate or to contact CASA of East Central Wisconsin, call Julie Ribley at (920) 242-6727 or go to https://www.facebook.com/ManitowocCASA/
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