Sheboygan Co Warming Center OPEN

Sheboygan Co Warming Center OPEN

2021 Sheboygan County Warming Center is Open!

We have worked hard to prepare for the Warming Center to open it’s doors on January 4th. Please take note of the changes this year. The Warming Center will be open January and February, Monday-Thursday, from 7 PM until 7:30 AM. 828 New Jersey Ave (St. Cyril Methodius Catholic Church Hall). Follow us at:

Warming Center 2021 Facebook

Guests arrive between 7:00pm and 7:45pm. After that they may only gain admittance with a police referral. Guests leaving after 7:45pm. may not re-enter. Guest limit of 20 due Covid-19 concerns. More information at: Warming Center Website


We do not have enough volunteers this year to be open 7 days a week. If you can, please VOLUNTEER! The Center also needs supplies that are listed on our Facebook page.

If you are facing homelessness in Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Door or Kewaunee County, click here: Lakeshore CAP’s Supportive Housing Program

VOLUNTEER! Sheboygan Co Warming Center

VOLUNTEER! Sheboygan Co Warming Center

2021 Sheboygan County Warming Center Needs VOLUNTEERS!

Please see this PDF document for information on the potential for a Warming Center in January and February 2021. Volunteers needed! Click on link to lend your support!

Sign Up: Warming Center 2021

We are also in need of supplies. More information at: Warming Center Facebook and Warming Center Website

Your support and contributions will enable us to help provide shelter for our homeless community during the coldest winter months. Your generous donation will fund our mission.

Please send your gifts (Check by mail) payable to:Sheboygan County Warming Center, 1248 Lincoln Avenue, Sheboygan, WI  53081. Thank you for your support of this important community mission.

If you are facing homelessness in Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Door or Kewaunee County, click on Lakeshore CAP’s Supportive Housing Program

VOLUNTEER! Aug 13th Point in Time Street Count

VOLUNTEER! Aug 13th Point in Time Street Count

   PLEASE VOLUNTEER for the Semi-Annual

Point In Time Outreach Event!

A coalition of local agencies and volunteers will be conducting the Point In Time Street Count in Manitowoc, Door, Kewaunee, & Sheboygan Counties over the night of Thursday, August 13, 2020. The focus of the count is to identify people who might be residing on the streets, in cars, campgrounds, under bridges or similar places. Please let us know prior to the Count If you are aware of locations in the community where homeless people are sheltering. Services needed to help the homeless in our communities are a result of identifying these households. The information gathered is used at the state and federal levels to allocate resources for individuals and households requiring homelessness assistance. (See FAQ below.)

2 hour shifts are available between 4AM – 6AM and 6PM – 8PM, Thursday, August 13

NOTE: We ask that you provide your own car due to COVID-19 precautions. We will require masks, frequent hand-washing and social distancing.

Training will be provided before the count

Volunteers must be at least 18 years old.


Right click and fill out the information on your preferred county Google Form. Thank you so much!
♦ Manitowoc County: Manitowoc Google Form Email with questions
♦ Sheboygan County: Sheboygan Google Form Call Sheboygan LCAP at 920.694.0042 with questions

We will sweeten the offer for Sheboygan Co volunteers. For anyone that signs up, stop in at Rage Fitness Aug. 17th -22nd for a free week, just mention you did the PIT count!

Door County: Door Google FormEmail with questions
Kewaunee County: Kewaunee Google Form — Email with questions

Right click for answers to: FAQ’s

Be Part of the “No Wrong Door” Solution

Lakeshore CoCIn addition, we are requesting assistance from the community to help us identify locations where suspected homeless people may be staying. If your business is aware of people that do not have shelter or you are a concerned citizen who might have spotted someone you suspect is homeless, please contact us. We can offer assistance and referrals for shelter. Again, please let us know prior to the Count If you are aware of locations in the community (parked car, parks, etc.) where people are staying so we can find these vulnerable people and offer them services.

People experiencing or at risk of homelessness may find housing and get connected to community-based resources through Coordinated Entry. In most counties in Wisconsin, you can get help at agencies that assist homeless people and/or people in poverty. Lakeshore CAP, covering 4 counties, is among those agencies displaying the “No Wrong Door” welcome poster.

Donate Locally to Help the Homeless!

Lakeshore CAP’s Supportive Housing Program in Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Door & Kewaunee Counties has case managers who assist eligible homeless individuals and households — or those at risk of becoming homeless — maintain housing and work towards self-sufficiency. While we receive HUD grant monies, we also rely on private and fund-raiser donations to further our goals in the communities we serve. Please DONATE on this site to help Lakeshore CAP combat homelessness and give our fellow citizens a hand up. Thank you!