2020 Pig to Pig Walk
Come out for Fox’s Piggly Wiggly Annual Pig to Pig Walk!
A Fundraiser for Lakeshore CAP’s Supportive Housing/Homelessness Prevention Program
The Pig to Pig Walk is coming up on September 12th! The proceeds support our programs that prevent homelessness by providing rental assistance to those in need. Registration can be done at the service desk at both Manitowoc and Two Rivers locations! We hope to see you there!
- Saturday, September 12, 2020
- 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- Starting at Fox’s Manitowoc Piggly Wiggly and ending at Fox’s Two Rivers Piggly Wiggly
A 6 mile walk along scenic Lake Michigan!
- $15.00 donation per person
- $30.00 per family (2-4 people); each additional person $5.00
Contact Piggly Wiggly at 920-682-4931 or 920-794-8931 for more information and visit either store to register for the event!
Thank You!!! Your participation helps Lakeshore CAP:
- Provide programming and case management to those most in need in our community and helps households realize their goal of becoming self-sufficient
- Provide assistance outside of our strict funding limitations by providing apartment supplies, security deposits and supportive services to our households

JAK’s Place Spaghetti Fundraiser!
JAK’s Place “Virtual” Annual Fundraiser
On Top of Spaghetti
JAK’s Place is a mental health resource center providing structured and social resources to those affected by mental illness and to family members in need of support and information. This is a program of Lakeshore CAP, Inc.
Tuesday September 22, 2020 — 4PM to 6PM
Event will be held online LIVE at 4:00 PM: JAK’s Place YouTube Channel
- Meal Pick-up/Drive Thru: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
- JAK’s Place, 1623 Rhode Island St, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Tickets: give.classy.org/JAKS-PLACE
Silent Auction: https://www.32auctions.com/JAKSPLACE2020
Please call with any questions: 920.818.0525

VOLUNTEER! Aug 13th Point in Time Street Count
PLEASE VOLUNTEER for the Semi-Annual
Point In Time Outreach Event!
A coalition of local agencies and volunteers will be conducting the Point In Time Street Count in Manitowoc, Door, Kewaunee, & Sheboygan Counties over the night of Thursday, August 13, 2020. The focus of the count is to identify people who might be residing on the streets, in cars, campgrounds, under bridges or similar places. Please let us know prior to the Count If you are aware of locations in the community where homeless people are sheltering. Services needed to help the homeless in our communities are a result of identifying these households. The information gathered is used at the state and federal levels to allocate resources for individuals and households requiring homelessness assistance. (See FAQ below.)
2 hour shifts are available between 4AM – 6AM and 6PM – 8PM, Thursday, August 13
NOTE: We ask that you provide your own car due to COVID-19 precautions. We will require masks, frequent hand-washing and social distancing.
Training will be provided before the count
Volunteers must be at least 18 years old.
Right click and fill out the information on your preferred county Google Form. Thank you so much!
♦ Manitowoc County: Manitowoc Google Form — Email kathleenm@lakeshorecap.org with questions
♦ Sheboygan County: Sheboygan Google Form — Call Sheboygan LCAP at 920.694.0042 with questions
We will sweeten the offer for Sheboygan Co volunteers. For anyone that signs up, stop in at Rage Fitness Aug. 17th -22nd for a free week, just mention you did the PIT count!
♦ Door County: Door Google Form — Email kathleenm@lakeshorecap.org with questions
♦ Kewaunee County: Kewaunee Google Form — Email kathleenm@lakeshorecap.org with questions
Right click for answers to: FAQ’s
Be Part of the “No Wrong Door” Solution
In addition, we are requesting assistance from the community to help us identify locations where suspected homeless people may be staying. If your business is aware of people that do not have shelter or you are a concerned citizen who might have spotted someone you suspect is homeless, please contact us. We can offer assistance and referrals for shelter. Again, please let us know prior to the Count If you are aware of locations in the community (parked car, parks, etc.) where people are staying so we can find these vulnerable people and offer them services.
People experiencing or at risk of homelessness may find housing and get connected to community-based resources through Coordinated Entry. In most counties in Wisconsin, you can get help at agencies that assist homeless people and/or people in poverty. Lakeshore CAP, covering 4 counties, is among those agencies displaying the “No Wrong Door” welcome poster.
Donate Locally to Help the Homeless!
Lakeshore CAP’s Supportive Housing Program in Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Door & Kewaunee Counties has case managers who assist eligible homeless individuals and households — or those at risk of becoming homeless — maintain housing and work towards self-sufficiency. While we receive HUD grant monies, we also rely on private and fund-raiser donations to further our goals in the communities we serve. Please DONATE on this site to help Lakeshore CAP combat homelessness and give our fellow citizens a hand up. Thank you!

Watch HERE for news on the 2020 “Race for the Rest of Us,” a fun run to benefit Lakeshore CAP’s programs throughout our communities!
This, um, race may be the most grueling of your life. This tongue-in-cheek event is geared to the classic underachiever, who wants to participate in an, um, athletic competition and train for it by sleeping in late, eating donuts and drinking beer. We’ll celebrate ALL abilities and underachievers − and you’ll have bragging rights for participating in the punishing 546.8 yard/1640 feet event! PLUS, you’ll be raising money for a local cause!
Sponsor or Have Fun Volunteering at this Event!
We ARE accepting sponsors for the 2020 Lakeshore CAP 0.5k Race — AND fun volunteers for food, rest stops and cheerleading! Please contact Kate or Colleen at 920-682-3737.
. . . And follow this link to read about Lakeshore CAP and the programs you’ll be, um, “racing” for: https://lakeshorecap.org/
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