Sin Hogar? Permitanos Ayudar!

Sin Hogar? Permitanos Ayudar!

Ninguna Puerta es Incorrectaå

Durante la semana antes del día de Acción de Gracias, es conocida como la semana para despertar conciencia sobre el Hambre y la Indigencia, usted podrá notar algunos posters en la comunidad conectados a estos hashtags en este post. Estos posters fueron distribuidos por Lakeshore CAP en relación con nuestro programa de apoyo a la vivienda.

Dentro del programa, hay un proceso llamado Coordinated Entry en un esfuerzo para referir a quienes buscan asistencia con la vivienda y referirlos a los servicios disponibles que sean más apropiados.

El volante adjunto da una breve explicación en cuanto a Coordinated Entry y cuáles agencias participan. Cualquier agencia que exhiba la imagen de abajo de Ninguna Puerta es Incorrecta, es una agencia a la que alguien puede ir para que se le haga el referimiento a sistema de Coordinated Entry. Además, cualquier miembro de la comunidad que esté interesado, puede contactar a cualquiera de estas agencias para servir como voluntario y para conocer diferentes modos en los que puede proveer apoyo.

Las siguientes agencias participan en el área del Lakeshore (Condados de Sheboygan, Manitowoc, Door and Kewaunee): Lakeshore CAP, El Ejercito de Salvation de Sheboygan, Incourage, The Haven del condado de Manitowoc y Hope House del condado de Manitowoc.

#Lakeshorecapsp #NoWrongDoorsp

WI Elections! Voter & Agency Information

WI Elections! Voter & Agency Information

Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC)

WI Agency & Voter Information

It is critical that people experiencing homeless and housing instability are registered to vote! The WEC has provided a variety of resources to educate voters about elections in Wisconsin. Below you will find an index of resources including information on the photo ID requirements and how voters can get an ID for voting even if they do not have documents like a birth certificate or social security care. This program is administered by the WI Department of Transportation and is referred to as the ID Petition Process (IDPP).

The entire voter outreach toolkit can be found at  WEC staff have recorded a webinar to describe the materials in more depth and offer tips on implementing the various resources in your community. This webinar can be found at

WEC voter outreach resources include:

Photo ID Resources

The WEC has created various outreach materials discussing Wisconsin’s photo ID law. Both quick information guides and more individual ID-specific guides are available to use around your community. The WEC has also created and updated the easily distributed palm card, which describes the photo ID law and how voters can get a free ID for voting purposes. The in-depth guides and palm card, including the IDPP palm card, are linked on the outreach page. Additional photo ID information can be found at and

Absentee Voting and Election Security

The WEC has six short animated videos available at, and can be downloaded from the WEC’s Vimeo page at These engaging videos are useful tools for voter outreach events and for use on your websites and social media. The videos are around 2 minutes each and cover the following topics:

  • What is Absentee Voting?
  • How Can I Get an Absentee Ballot?
  • How to Fill Out an Absentee Ballot?
  • How Exactly Do I Turn in My Completed Absentee Ballot?
  • How are Absentee Ballots Counted in Wisconsin?
  • How Can We Be Sure Wisconsin’s Election Results Are Accurate?

Fact Sheets

Fact sheets discussing how to request and return an absentee ballot by mail and how Wisconsin delivers accurate election results. The one-page fact sheets are meant to help quickly promote election information and can be printed and distributed around your community or posted on websites or social media. The fact sheets can be found at

Website Banners

To help promote absentee voting, election security information, and the MyVote Wisconsin website, website banners have been created by the WEC.  The images can be switched out periodically to show new messages and link to different WEC webpages that discuss election security and November preparations in more depth.  The banners can be found at

Additional Resources

To help promote information about Wisconsin’s various election laws and processes, the WEC has created various outreach pages and information to help voters prepare for the upcoming election.  This section of the website has guides discussing the photo ID law, voter registration information, detailed information about special types of voters, and more.  These additional resources can be found at

We hope that you will use these tools to educate voters about photo ID and other voting requirements. It is also our hope that you will share these materials with community organizations and groups that work with voters in your community.

If you have any questions about the voter outreach materials, please contact the Help Desk at or calling 1-866-VOTE-WIS.

Check Your Registration Status at

November 3, 2020 General Election Information For Voters

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on November 3, 2020.

Voter Registration Deadlines:

  • October 14 – To register to vote online (by 11:59 p.m.) or by-mail (postmarked).
  • October 30 at 5 p.m. – To register to vote at your clerk’s office or other designated location.
  • You can register at your polling place on Election Day (November 3, 2020).

Register to vote online here or by printing off this form and mailing it to your municipal clerk.

Absentee By-Mail Deadlines:
  • October 29 at 5 p.m. – To request an absentee ballot by-mail for regular and overseas voters.
  • October 30 at 5 p.m. – To request an absentee ballot by-mail for indefinitely confined voters and military voters (not on active duty).
In-Person Absentee Dates:
  • October 20 – First day to vote absentee in your municipal clerk’s office or other designated location.
  • November 1 – Last possible day. (Please check with your municipal clerk’s office, as dates and times within this window will vary.)

Please request your absentee ballot as soon as possible by visiting

New Eviction Moratorium

New Eviction Moratorium


The CDC has issued a federal eviction moratorium in effect starting 9/4/2020 until 12/31/2020.

Click on this link: Here’s what the CDC’s nationwide eviction ban means for renters.

You are still responsible to pay your rent and you must provide your landlord a declaration indicating that you cannot pay.

You should pay as much on your rent as you can each month because you will owe ALL of it at the end of the moratorium. A copy of the declaration should be posted online soon for tenants to download and sign. 
Residents of Manitowoc, Door, Kewaunee and Sheboygan counties may apply for rental assistance by clicking on one of the applications on Lakeshore CAP’s homepage at The WRAP application is for anyone who has lost income due to COVID-19.
Rent Smart Zoom Course!

Rent Smart Zoom Course!

Are you a first time renter or want to learn more about renting? Rent Smart can be a useful tool to increase the likelihood that a landlord will accept YOUR application. Consider taking this FREE online Zoom course! Follow link below to register:

Rent Smart Registration


Rent Smart is designed for people with little or no rental experience or those that have had difficulty obtaining rental housing. What you will learn:

  • Planning for and meeting monthly expenses
  • Tips for finding and maintaining affordable housing
  • How to complete an application and why landlords screen applicants
  • Strategies for building positive relationships with landlords and neighbors
  • Responsibilities and rights of landlords and tenants
VOLUNTEER! Aug 13th Point in Time Street Count

VOLUNTEER! Aug 13th Point in Time Street Count

   PLEASE VOLUNTEER for the Semi-Annual

Point In Time Outreach Event!

A coalition of local agencies and volunteers will be conducting the Point In Time Street Count in Manitowoc, Door, Kewaunee, & Sheboygan Counties over the night of Thursday, August 13, 2020. The focus of the count is to identify people who might be residing on the streets, in cars, campgrounds, under bridges or similar places. Please let us know prior to the Count If you are aware of locations in the community where homeless people are sheltering. Services needed to help the homeless in our communities are a result of identifying these households. The information gathered is used at the state and federal levels to allocate resources for individuals and households requiring homelessness assistance. (See FAQ below.)

2 hour shifts are available between 4AM – 6AM and 6PM – 8PM, Thursday, August 13

NOTE: We ask that you provide your own car due to COVID-19 precautions. We will require masks, frequent hand-washing and social distancing.

Training will be provided before the count

Volunteers must be at least 18 years old.


Right click and fill out the information on your preferred county Google Form. Thank you so much!
♦ Manitowoc County: Manitowoc Google Form Email with questions
♦ Sheboygan County: Sheboygan Google Form Call Sheboygan LCAP at 920.694.0042 with questions

We will sweeten the offer for Sheboygan Co volunteers. For anyone that signs up, stop in at Rage Fitness Aug. 17th -22nd for a free week, just mention you did the PIT count!

Door County: Door Google FormEmail with questions
Kewaunee County: Kewaunee Google Form — Email with questions

Right click for answers to: FAQ’s

Be Part of the “No Wrong Door” Solution

Lakeshore CoCIn addition, we are requesting assistance from the community to help us identify locations where suspected homeless people may be staying. If your business is aware of people that do not have shelter or you are a concerned citizen who might have spotted someone you suspect is homeless, please contact us. We can offer assistance and referrals for shelter. Again, please let us know prior to the Count If you are aware of locations in the community (parked car, parks, etc.) where people are staying so we can find these vulnerable people and offer them services.

People experiencing or at risk of homelessness may find housing and get connected to community-based resources through Coordinated Entry. In most counties in Wisconsin, you can get help at agencies that assist homeless people and/or people in poverty. Lakeshore CAP, covering 4 counties, is among those agencies displaying the “No Wrong Door” welcome poster.

Donate Locally to Help the Homeless!

Lakeshore CAP’s Supportive Housing Program in Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Door & Kewaunee Counties has case managers who assist eligible homeless individuals and households — or those at risk of becoming homeless — maintain housing and work towards self-sufficiency. While we receive HUD grant monies, we also rely on private and fund-raiser donations to further our goals in the communities we serve. Please DONATE on this site to help Lakeshore CAP combat homelessness and give our fellow citizens a hand up. Thank you!